Local Programs

Northern Shenandoah Valley Family and Consumer Sciences

Senior Extension Agent Karen Poff
Senior Extension Agent Karen Poff

Learn How To:

  • Strengthen your personal or family finances
  • Protect yourself from scams
  • Improve your indoor air quality
  • Save money by saving energy
  • Participate in post-bankruptcy financial education
  • Bring financial education to your organization, business, or school
  • Become a Master Financial Education Volunteer

Northern Shenandoah Valley Financial Education Program

Karen Poff
Senior Extension Agent

While viewing the family unit as the cornerstone of a healthy community, we work with a focus on improving wellness for individuals and their families. As educators, community resources, and links to professionals throughout the community, our goal is to implement effective educational and outreach programs that provide people with skills needed to make positive changes and improve their overall well-being.

Learn How To:

  • Decrease risk of chronic disease through good nutrition
  • Get involved with adult nutrition and health programs
  • Bring nutrition programs to your organization, library, or school
  • Earn your ServSafe Certificate (Find upcoming Virginia Cooperative Extension trainings here.)
  • Safely preserve foods at home
  • Become a Master Food Volunteer
  • Test your water for contaminants
  • Other food, nutrition, and health related educational opportunities 

Learn more on the programming Facebook page: Northern Shenandoah Valley Food, Nutrition, and Health

Photo of Amanda Johnson

Amanda Johnson

Associate Extension Agent

4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. The Page County 4-H Program offers youth ages 5-19 opportunities to participate in clubs, educational contests, camps, workshops, livestock shows, and much more!

To find out more about the Page County 4-H Program, contact:

Virginia Cooperative Extension Page County at 540-778-5794     

4-H Motto: To Make the Best Better!

4-H Pledge:

I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world. 

4-H Colors: Green and White

The white is for purity and green, nature's most common color is for life, springtime, and youth.

Contests and Events

Through 4-H, youth are provided opportunities to develop their unique talents and capabilities. The basis of 4-H is "Learning by Doing." 4-H provides opportunities for both training (learning) and practice (doing). Through this process, young people develop life skills that are relevant now and in the future.  Youth who develop life skills become self-directed, productive, contributing citizens.

A variety of 4-H competitions enable 4-H members to practice and perfect the life skills they learn through their projects. Click on the list to the right for more specific information.

Page County 4-H Clubs

Senior Livestock 4-H Club meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.  Josh Parlett and Brad Somers are the leaders of this club.  

Junior Stockman 4-H Club meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Janice Beahm, Stephanie Breeden and Josh Wood are the leaders of this club. 

Page County 24 Carrot Horse Club meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  Lisa Atwood and Renee Fadeley are the leaders of this club. 


Engaging with Communities

Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:   

Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.

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